Saturday, 28 June 2008


Touched down at Manchester Airport at around 4am Thursday morning. Was in the arms of the woman I love by 7.30. So lovely to see her lovely smile, to feel her close to me, to see those sparkling eyes! And my kids, and my dog! (in roughly that order!)

I have to say that before this trip I was ready to 'pass the baton' on to the Americans and move on to a country closer to home. However, I leave with an even greater love for the Haitian and Dominican people. I cannot let this country go and God has obviously placed it on my heart for a reason. Truthfully, I would up sticks and move there tomorrow, but I know this is not right. I know this for three reasons: Debbies current Mormon faith, my sense of calling about my business and most importantly because I don't hear God telling me to go. I feel like an inverse of Jonah. I want to be called to go to the city of Ninevah! However I also believe in God's perfect timing, so don't completely write it off.

I consider the trip a success because the Americans (to a man and woman) embraced the country. As a church, they have committed to the DR for the next three years which means valuable financial input as well as wise counsel and manpower.

I was inspired by the individual acts of kindness which I witnessed by the Americans. These included the offering of payment for treatment of two different patients at the Hospital for the poor in Puerta Plata by two women moved by their plight. Christ in action at a personal level. Nothing to do with Church.

So what's next for me? I have a little project to keep me going. Its not as big as raising the £55,000 for the school, but its still important: Although anyone can set up a school, so people can learn to read and write, a school that is accredited by the government carries much more weight and gives the pupils who finish, something 'official' to show a potential employer. For a school to be accredited, what our school needs is a place for recreation (a playground to you and me) and a secure fence around the perimeter. All this for a mere £6,000.

This is my next challenge!

Would you like to help me in this? All donations gratefully received. Send me your cheques to 'Trinity Ministries' at the office address (Block 6c, Cedar Court, Parkway, Porters Wood, St Albans, Herts, AL3 6PA)

Nice one!


Anonymous said...


Glad to hear that you arrived safely. We already have a contact here through our church that installed a playground in East London, South Africa. After I tracked down his info, I gave his contact information to Jon Glidden for him to run with it. This may be a great asset in your plight.

BTW... I have a great way to combine your two favorite loves in life... Haitians and Yankees! Jozy Altidore is his name and he is supposed to be one of the best the Americans have to offer to the football world. He just got transfered to La Liga with Villareal. There you go... you now have someone to follow that embodies both the Haitian and American pride!

In His Grip... Joey

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