Wednesday, 20 August 2008


I guess, in truth, it was selfish.
I have a wife and kids who haven't had a proper holiday this year.
The dates that the guys from McKinney return to DR is not in my kids holidays, so it would therefore involve taking Jemma out of school.

So last night I had a long chat with Debbie, and it was agreed that there was no way forward and that I was not going to be returning to DR this year.

But it hurts.

But I love Debbie

So that's it. However I am convinced that I'm 'on call' 52 weeks of the year, advocating for the poor in DR, and that can be done alongside being a Husband & a Father. Keeping this blog going is part of that advocacy.

But it still hurts..

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Jason - Cause for concern

A wonderful lady who was part of our team is back out to DR, and has sent this worrying email about Jason.

'Here are some pictures of Jason that I took last week. He is such a happy little boy. He has an infection in his leg, in the incision area. He is sleeping in a bed with at least 2 others. The infection is from urine. He comes to the clinic soaked in urine, and they need to bathe him. They don't know if it is his urine, or someone else in that bed. The GRACE group is going to get him bunk beds, to help with some of that problem, and at least to give his leg a little more protection from others kicking him in their sleep. His mother is never around, and is negligent mother. The dad is good at taking care of him. However, Dave and Sandy have to feed him breakfast most mornings when he comes. He is in need of protein.

Jason was really happy, and I played baseball with him, he throw the ball, and I hit it. His big needs are therapy, nutrition and clearing up the infection, for which he does have antibiotics, but just keeping the wound clean is the problem. The good news with that is, that last Wed. was the first open clinic they had. They now have a General Practice DR. coming to the clinic every Wed. So Jason will be seen by him at least once a week. '

So there continues to be hope, but it just goes to show the daily struggle so many of these people have to face. The kid has a major operation one week and is having to share a urine soaked bed a week later! I find this just incomprehensible! I'm angry with his Mum. He's such a lovely boy Mum, why aren't you there for him???

And then I think it through, in the comfort of my own space in my air conditioned office on a day where i found £40 stuffed in a sidepocket of a wallet that I hardly ever use.

She is poor. Poor to a level no one who is reading this is ever likely to be. She is hungry, she has the weight of responsibility of looking after all her children in a slum and she has no prospects. In the cold (hot) light of day, Jason is a drain. I don't know how she is really feeling, and I think that I have the right to judge her from a distance?? It may well eat her up that its tough for him, and that she's not able to meet his needs.

Perhaps in that kind of pressure, If I were her, I would be tempted to seek relief in the arms of other men, drink, drugs...
Lady, I apologise for judging you. We love Jason to bits, but we need to think of showing YOU ways that we love you to.

Sunday, 3 August 2008


I heard this fantastic awards speech from Bono. Its only 6 minutes long, but incredibly, I feel it says much of what I have tried to articulate through this blog. (Bare with it, he builds up to a creschendo!)

Have a watch ....

If you heard that from the pulpit on Sunday, maybe you'd be more inclined to go to Church. More importantly, maybe you'd feel inclined to go out there and MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!

I personally don't give a monkey's with regards to whether Bono's a Christian or not, in the sense that that would add or devalue his comments. His comments are true, and Christians should be at the forefront fighting the injustices of the world, including the injustice of World Poverty.

As Bono says 'Love thy neighbour' is not advice, its a Command!

What are YOU doing about it?

Rant over.