Sunday, 3 August 2008


I heard this fantastic awards speech from Bono. Its only 6 minutes long, but incredibly, I feel it says much of what I have tried to articulate through this blog. (Bare with it, he builds up to a creschendo!)

Have a watch ....

If you heard that from the pulpit on Sunday, maybe you'd be more inclined to go to Church. More importantly, maybe you'd feel inclined to go out there and MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!

I personally don't give a monkey's with regards to whether Bono's a Christian or not, in the sense that that would add or devalue his comments. His comments are true, and Christians should be at the forefront fighting the injustices of the world, including the injustice of World Poverty.

As Bono says 'Love thy neighbour' is not advice, its a Command!

What are YOU doing about it?

Rant over.

1 comment:

christian charity said...

It was interesting that services from the charity could help the society